Pillar Productions
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... an audio production facility

    Dance to the 50's and 60's
    If you came of age in the Midwest in the late 50's and 60's, the chances are that you danced, bugalooed and partied the nights away with one of the most notable rock'n'roll bands of that time period! Get your CD today! 
    Click here for >> More details

    IT'S HERE!
    Freddie Tieken and
    The Rockers  on CD

    Click here for >> SOUND CLIPS

  • 24-Track digital recording
  • Demos
  • Mastering (including leveling, compression)
  • Digital Editing
  • Arranging and Composition Service
  • CD One-offs
  • Cassette Duplication
  • Audio restoration (we can take those old LPs, clean them up and put them on CD for you!)
  • Broadcast commercials
Our commitment is to make you sound your very best.  We go the extra mile for our clients.  Our philosophy is that recording is an art... not just a bunch of cool gear (and it IS cool).  The cool gear is great but beyond being good "technicians",  we strive to help each artist bring his work out the way he hears it in his mind...

Visit the Bookstore for some great books we recommend!

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